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Capital Improvement Projects Approved

Here’s a list of the Capital Improvement projects from our 2014 budget which were approved by the Board last night:

  • Re-pave part of West Creek Lane – 200′ x 20′ of West Creek will be removed and redone in concrete, with 1/2 of the roadway done at a time so it remains passable. I am told they can cut out and remove the old roadway, re-bed it, add rebar, pour concrete and have the new part of the roadway ready for use in 2 days.
  • New Pool Fence – the existing chain link fence will be replaced with a powder coated fence square tube and welded in sections. The new fence will be installed within the perimeter of the existing fence; once the new fence is completed, the old fence will be removed.
  • Fence along West Creek – The entire fence down West Creek (by the cemetery) will be replaced with a 4 foot tall chain link fence, after the roadway replacement has been completed. Reflectors will be attached so it is visible at night.
  • Fence around storm drain on East Mountain Creek Court – We are reducing the existing fenced in area to 32  feet of fence, mounting it onto the existing concrete pad.  This fence is required for safety and to prevent unauthorized access to this large storm drain.
  • Leasing a New Trash Compactor – Ours compactor is well over 20 years old, was used when we bought it, and is rusting out on the bottom; it has been repaired a number of times over the years. By leasing a new 35 cubic yard compactor, we get an added 5 cubic yards compared to our existing one, plus wear and tear maintenance is covered.

We will be sending out separate notices to all affected homeowners on West Creek Lane once we have the paving and fence work scheduled.

For Homeowners With Cannas

I spoke with our landscaping company, MetroScape, and was told that when they were out here yesterday and working in the flower beds, they topped off the Cannas. This is usually done after the first frost, in preparation for relocating the rhizomes (bulbs) inside during the winter, depending on the temperature zone you live within. (We are in USDA Zone 8a, where average minimum temp ranges from 10 to 15 F.)

Rhizomes (bulbs) being prepared for Winter storage
Cannas, Black
Cannas after a frost

Winter Care

  • Zone 8a is the coldest climate in which cannas are rated hardy. An unusually cold winter can therefore possibly cause some damage to the rhizomes. After the canna foliage dies back in the fall because of the first hard frost, cut it back to the ground. Then, cover the planting bed with 4 to 6 inches of mulch. If you use leaves that you raked during the fall, about 8 to 12 inches will be needed. Mulch helps protect canna rhizomes in zone 8a from any damage that may occur in a colder than normal winter.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/info_8023472_canna-plants-zone-8a.html

Please Keep An Eye On Your Children

We have had several instances over the past few months of children coming home from school and repeatedly throwing their trash in our Common Areas, as they walk from the bus stops to their homes. We end up having to pick up this trash, all at homeowners expense.  Please ask your children to be more responsible and keep our subdivision looking good and not like a large trash can.

In addition to this, a group of children recently ripped off 3 or 4 limbs from a Crepe Myrtle tree in the common area near E Mountain Creek Court. We cannot have our resident’s children purposefully destroying our common areas. Below are some photos:

Tree limbs torn off, plus empty jug and other trash
Another view of the tree damage and trash

Homeowners Insurance Requests

It’s been over 45 days since we sent out notices to all homeowners asking for proof of cost-to-replace insurance on all properties within the Association, which is a requirement in our Declaration of CC&R.  To date, we have received less that 50% response to this request, which is unacceptable.

We are sending out a secondary notice to those who have not yet provided the required proof of insurance.  Just so you know, a few homeowners have no insurance at all.  This is why we are asking for proof, to make sure that insurance is in place to protect both you and your neighbors.


TV’s Put Out As Trash

We have had many Televisions put out as trash over the past few weeks.  Not only are they not standard household waste, they are classified as Hazardous and cannot be put into our compactor.  If you buy a new TV, you need to make your own arrangements to dispose of the old one, we cannot do it for you. GP’s website offers the following information:

Free Electronics Recycling
Date: 11/15/2014 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Recycle computers, laptops, printers, VCRs, DVD players and TVs.

Grand Prairie residents can also bring their unwanted electronics to the landfill located at 1102 MacArthur Blvd. for free during business hours.  For more information on recycling electronics, please visit www.gptx.org/recycling

If you need a copy of the water bill  to prove residency, come to the Office and we will provide a copy.

Large Item Pickup Day, November 20th

We have scheduled a large item pickup for Thursday, November 20th.  We will do the usual trash pickup, followed by large items; we will not pick up any construction debris.

Anyone wanting to dispose of electrical or electronic items needs to take advantage of GP’s upcoming event:

The City of Grand Prairie Solid Waste and Recycling division is hosting a free electronics recycling event for residents and small businesses on Nov. 15, 9 a.m.-noon, at the Development Center, 206 W. Church St. Items accepted are computers, laptops, printers, VCRs, DVD players and TVs.

Items that cannot be accepted are any hazardous material, liquids, broken monitor tubes, yard equipment, air conditioners and refrigerators.

Please remember that putting out large items on regular trash days can result in fines, especially if these large items are placed in Common Areas.  This is illegal dumping on Association Property and will be treated as such.


Grand Prairie Upcoming Events

Veterans Day Ceremony
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 10 a.m.
Grand Prairie Veterans Memorial, 925 Conover Dr.

Join us at the 10th anniversary of the building of the Veterans Memorial as we pay tribute to our veterans. The ceremony will include a 21-gun salute, fly over, bag piper, military brass band, hot dogs and lemonade. Presented by the Grand Prairie Parks, Arts and Recreation Department and Metro Rotary and Rotary Club of Grand Prairie.


Free Electronics Recycling

The City of Grand Prairie Solid Waste and Recycling division is hosting a free electronics recycling event for residents and small businesses on Saturday, Nov. 15, 9 a.m.-noon at the Development Center, 206 W. Church St. Items accepted are computers, laptops, printers, VCRs, DVD players and TVs. Items that cannot be accepted are any hazardous material, liquids, broken monitor tubes, yard equipment, air conditioners and refrigerators. Residents can also bring unwanted electronics to the landfill, 1102 MacArthur Blvd. free of charge during business hours.      gptx.org/recycling


Community Thanksgiving Dinners
Thursday, Nov. 20
25th Annual Dalworth Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Noon-5 p.m., Dalworth Recreation Center, 2012 Spikes St.
Free turkey dinner with all of the trimmings.
Thursday, Nov. 20
5th Annual Kids Thanksgiving Dinner
4-6 p.m., Charley Taylor Recreation Center
601 E. Grand Prairie Road
Children from the community are welcome to a full Thanksgiving dinner made from donated items.
Donations are needed for this wonderful event!