Tag: 2015

Open Board Meeting, October 1st

  • Open Board Meeting, October 1st, at 7 PM in the Association Office
    • Agenda for the meeting: (Subject to change)
      • Visitor Parking Permit enforcement and  towing of unauthorized vehicles
      • Adding parking spaces, cost vs benefits
        • End of West Mountain Creek Drive
        • End of West Townhouse Lane
      • 3rd Quarter Financial Report
      • Overgrown Trees on Homeowner Property
      • Stripe Fire Lanes and Parking Areas
    • Executive Session to Follow

Parking Permit Stickers and Towing

We have had only 5 homeowners who were approved for Parking Permits actually come into the Office to pay for and pick up their Permit stickers. Another 12-14  were sent their Approval letter almost 2 weeks ago and have not been in to pay and pick up their stickers.

We have given ample warnings since 2014 and will do one final warning for those vehicles which continually abuse the visitor lots. Starting in September, we will tow those vehicles which do not have a visible parking permit and/or violate the parking policy for the Visitor Lots.  This is what will be placed on offending vehicles:

This vehicle is parked on the Private Property of the Grand Prairie Mountain Creek HOA, Inc. (the Association) and is in a Visitor Parking Only lot. Unless you are an actual Visitor to the property, you are not authorized to park in this lot.

The Association has sent out notices since April 2014 advising all homeowners/residents that their cars will be towed if they park their vehicles in the Visitor Parking Only lots. Signs are also posted in this regard.

This will be your final warning. Continuing to park your vehicle(s) in visitor parking will result in towing at your expense.



Continued Water Restrictions in Grand Prairie

Please remember that water restrictions still exist and that the City will enforce them with fines. We still see people hosing off their driveways/carports daily, with water trailing down the street.  This is irresponsible and violates the restrictions.

Here are the current restrictions:


The following restrictions are in effect in the city of Grand Prairie:

  • No watering on Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday.
  • Even numbered addresses may water on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • Odd numbered addresses may water on Tuesday and Fridays.
  • Handheld and soaker hoses are allowed to be used any time.

The following restrictions also apply at all times:

  • Residents and business are prohibited from watering their lawns anytime between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • When watering, a constant stream of water should not be allowed to flow into the street drainage.
  • Watering during precipitation is prohibited. Rain sensors are required on newer watering systems.

The Drought Contingency Plan may, depending on need, also prohibit all or some of the following non-essential uses (water use that does not directly benefit or maintain health, personal cleanliness, or firefighting purposes):

  1. Irrigation of landscape areas, including parks, athletic fields, and golf courses, except otherwise provided under this Plan;
  2. Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, airplane or other vehicle; except as otherwise provided under this plan.
  3. Use of water to wash down any sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking lots, tennis courts, or other hard-surfaced areas;
  4. Use of water to wash down buildings or structures for purposes other than immediate fire protection;
  5. Flushing gutters or permitting water to run in any gutter or street, except as part of water quality management to flush stagnant water or enhance disinfection residuals;
  6. Use of water to fill, refill, or add to any indoor or outdoor swimming pools or Jacuzzi-type pools;
  7. Use of water in a fountain or pond for aesthetic or scenic purposes except where necessary to support aquatic life;
  8. Failure to repair a leak(s) within a reasonable period after having been given notice directing the repair of such leak(s) and;
  9. Use of water from hydrants for construction purposes or any other purposes other than fire fighting.
  10. Use of water from public drinking supply for gas well operations including fracturing and drilling

For more information, call 972-237-8377 or 972-237-8154.

Pool Rules, a Reminder

Anyone arguing with a pool monitor or any other GPMCHA employee about pool rules will be asked to leave the pool area. We will ban individuals who cause disturbances of any kind.

We will also be checking addresses and making sure that people who try to use the pool actually live here or are guests of a resident. We have had a lot of people using our pool who do not live here; this is a Private Pool paid for by HOA dues.

If you are allowing your guest(s) to use the pool, you need to come to the pool with them.  There is a maximum of 4 guests allowed per property.




Trash Pickup Changes

For the next few months, we will be using a subcontractor to pick up our trash. This will allow us to continue using our personnel to do necessary home repairs and finish the 2015 painting schedule as soon as possible.

This will start today, July 9th.  Trash pickup days will not change, just who is picking up trash.

We will still be sending out warning to those who do not properly tie trash bags, put broken glass into trash bags and who do not close up boxes properly.