Tag: Season

Pool Opening Postponed

We had intended to open the Pool this weekend (May 16th), but the current weather forecasts are for continued thunderstorms though next week. We cannot open the Pool if there is any lightning locally.  We will shoot for opening on Memorial Day weekend, as usual, and will let you know if things change.

Our Newly Done Pool

Here are a few pictures of the newly plastered and tiled pool; it has been completely resurfaced, along with replacing the circulation pumps. New depth marker tiles have also been installed.

In addition, we have purchased some new chairs and added in sod around the pool area.  Come join us tomorrow at 11AM for Opening Day!  (Pool is open Memorial Day weekend – Saturday, Sunday and  Monday –  and closed again until May 30th)

Pool1 Pool2



Pool Hours for Opening Weekend

OPENING WEEKEND – MAY 24 – 26, 2012

            SATURDAY          11:00 am – 9:00 pm

           SUNDAY               12:00 noon – 8:00 pm

            MONDAY             11:00 am – 8:00 pm

            TUESDAY             CLOSED

            WEDNESDAY      CLOSED

            THURSDAY          CLOSED

                    REGULAR SCHEDULE BEGINS MAY 30


Pool closes when we hear thunder or see lightning.

Above hours are subject to change.