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Pool Open and New Pool Passes

The Pool is open today at the normal time. We will monitor the chemistry and adjust as needed.

Everyone who has already paid their $5 needs to stop  by the Office and get their Pool Pass. Once fully implemented, no one will be allowed in the Pool without a Pool Pass. There will be a 5 person limit on how many people can be on a single Pool pass.

Below is an example of the pass:




Visitor Parking Permits and Carports

There seems to be some confusion about one of the requirements to get a rented visitor space, which states:

No visitor parking permits will be issued to any property where these two parking spaces are used for any other purpose than for parking operable motor vehicles. There are boat, trailer and RV storage places where space can be rented for those items or other recreational vehicles.

A few people think this says that you cannot park a boat, trailer or RV camper on your own property under your carport; it says no such thing.  What it does say is that you will not be considered for a rental visitor parking space if you use your carport for something besides a place to park 2 cars.

We remind everyone that we do require any vehicle, boat or trailer to have current registration, inspections, or other state required permits while parked under your carport, as stated in our Parking Rules.  You can be issued fines if they are expired, even under your own carport.



Trees, Grass and Watering

We ask our residents to please water the recently planted trees and the grass in the common area in the front and rear of your property.  No rain is forecast for many weeks and we need to protect the money we have invested in trees and the 500-600 pounds of grass seed we have sown around the subdivision. The water used to keep the trees and plants alive is part of your HOA dues, you will pay nothing extra.

As a reminder, here is the watering schedule from Grand Prairie:  (the first three restrictions apply to sprinklers)

Current Water Restrictions

The following restrictions are in effect in the city of Grand Prairie: 

  • No watering on Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday.
  • Even Numbered addresses may water on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • Odd numbered addresses may water on Tuesday and Fridays.
  • Handheld and soaker hoses are allowed to be used any time.

*The following restrictions also apply at all times:

  • Residents and business are prohibited from watering their lawns anytime between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • When watering, a constant stream of water should not be allowed to flow into the street drainage.
  • Watering during precipitation is prohibited. Rain sensors are required on newer watering systems.

Pool Still Closed

We are working to get things fixed and the chemistry back where it needs to be.  Our chemical costs have increased with the increase in swimmers, some who are non-residents and acting like this is a public pool.

“Why can’t I have 4 cars”?

I recently had a resident ask this question. He was genuinely trying to find an answer. After I explained things to him, I invited him to attend the August 6th Board meeting; I thought the actual numbers might explain things better:

  • Townhouses –  416
  • Spaces under carports (2) –  832  
  • 4 cars per home –  1,664
  • Spaces needed to park the other 2 cars –  832
  • Number of Visitor Spaces –  249

The numbers show we are 583 parking spaces short for all residents to have 4 cars per household. Yes, this is a worse case scenario, but it does illustrate the problem.

Where are visitors supposed to park if residents continually fill up the visitor lots? That’s the problem we are addressing, entirely too many residents parking in the Visitor Lots. Whether or not there are empty Visitor spaces available is irrelevant.

Parking Permits and Unauthorized Parking

In the week or so since we mailed out the information about the new Parking Permit program, we have not had many residents come in for an application.  We had expected a much higher response. As one resident told us, it’s cheaper to rent a spot than to get their vehicle back from the towing company ($300 each time). We will keep the application period open until the end of July 2015.  

We have issued many notices for well over a year to all properties detailing the impending enforcement of our Visitor Lot parking rules. It is totally unfair to all residents to let a few break the rules and get away with it, as they have done for a while. I guess they think we will not tow their vehicles; well, they are wrong. We have been towing from our Visitor lots this month and will continue to do so.

Any resident who knowingly and willingly parks their vehicle(s) in Visitor Parking without displaying the Parking Permit will be deemed an “Unauthorized Vehicle” and will be towed. 


Expired Stickers in Visitor Lots

We are doing periodic patrols throughout the subdivision looking for any vehicles with expired Inspection or Registration.  The following comes from the TxDPS  website: (emphasis added)

New Timelines for Inspections

Prior to Feb, 29, 2016, you must have a passing vehicle inspection at the time you register or renew your vehicle’s registration.

If your inspection expires before your registration, you are required to get your vehicle inspected before the inspection expiration date.

After March 1, 2016, you must pass a vehicle inspection within 90 calendar days prior to registration or renewing your vehicle.

The towing company tells me they have to give someone 10 days after tagging their vehicle for expired stickers, according to State law. However, if we tag your vehicle or call it in, there is no 10 day grace period, primarily due to the fact that the Visitor Lots are located on private property. Secondarily, we have Parking rules in place that do not allow any vehicle with expired registration (tags) or inspection to park in these visitor lots, so we are towing these expired vehicles off the property.

Each Visitor Lot is well-marked with signs, so it’s not like people have not been warned.

Pool Passes,Unauthorized Swimmers and Pool Closed for Maintenance

Pool will be closed Monday, July 20, until further notice for maintenance. Pool is open today, Sunday, July 19th

We are re-instituting Pool Passes following large numbers of people using the Pool whom we cannot verify are actual residents, renters or guests.  We have had several instances of MANY people showing up and saying they are the guests of some address, when the people that live at that address have never heard of them.

Residents who have already paid their $5 can come to the office and pick up a pool pass sometime next week. We will be putting out notices to properties that have already paid.

These passes are the key chain type, and are numbered. We will keep track of which pass is issued to which property. If you or your guests do not present this pool pass, you will not be allowed to use the pool. We may also rethink the number of guests allowed per pass since that has also been abused by some people.

The large number of people using the pool has caused a lot of problems with pool chemistry. Moreover, since some of these people are not residents, renters, or actual guests, you and I are paying for the added chemicals to keep the pool as it should be. We are having enough people use the pool that the water gets cloudy almost daily.

Due to the chemistry issues, we will keep the pool closed next week so we can drain part-way and refill it.


Stored or Wrecked Vehicles Under Carports

Last week, we send notices to every resident who has a stored or wrecked vehicle under their carport.  Just so we are clear, here’s what the rules are:

a. Wrecked cars and inoperable vehicles are not allowed in any carport. (includes expired inspection stickers and expired license plates).
b. No car will be allowed to be up on jacks or blocks, or permitted to be parked with flat tires.
c. No tractors or trailers may be parked in carports.

The notices we sent out are a courtesy warning; the last thing we want is for this subdivision to look like a wrecking yard. A stored vehicle, under a tarp or other cover, is NOT an operable vehicle. If it was, it would be driven regularly, which they are not. Inoperable vehicles are also a violation of GP Codes, and can result in a visit from Code Enforcement.

Some properties have had stored or wrecked vehicles on their properties for months, if not longer.  We are now addressing this and will resort to fines and other enforcement actions if required.  It is not fair to those who follow the rules to allow others not to.

Visitor Parking and Towing

Since April of 2014, we have been telling residents that only Visitors can use the Visitor Parking lots. This rule was put into place over 10 years ago, but has not been fully enforced.  Anyone parking in the Visitor lot that is not an actual Visitor will be considered as “unauthorized” and will be towed at the owner’s or operator’s expense. For far too long we have had residents who continually abuse the visitor lots and that time is coming to a close.  We have been warning our residents for over a year, which is more than reasonable.

If your car is towed, it is your own fault.