I recently had a resident ask this question. He was genuinely trying to find an answer. After I explained things to him, I invited him to attend the August 6th Board meeting; I thought the actual numbers might explain things better:

  • Townhouses –  416
  • Spaces under carports (2) –  832  
  • 4 cars per home –  1,664
  • Spaces needed to park the other 2 cars –  832
  • Number of Visitor Spaces –  249

The numbers show we are 583 parking spaces short for all residents to have 4 cars per household. Yes, this is a worse case scenario, but it does illustrate the problem.

Where are visitors supposed to park if residents continually fill up the visitor lots? That’s the problem we are addressing, entirely too many residents parking in the Visitor Lots. Whether or not there are empty Visitor spaces available is irrelevant.