We ask our residents to please water the recently planted trees and the grass in the common area in the front and rear of your property. No rain is forecast for many weeks and we need to protect the money we have invested in trees and the 500-600 pounds of grass seed we have sown around the subdivision. The water used to keep the trees and plants alive is part of your HOA dues, you will pay nothing extra.
As a reminder, here is the watering schedule from Grand Prairie: (the first three restrictions apply to sprinklers)
Current Water Restrictions
The following restrictions are in effect in the city of Grand Prairie:
- No watering on Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday.
- Even Numbered addresses may water on Mondays and Thursdays.
- Odd numbered addresses may water on Tuesday and Fridays.
- Handheld and soaker hoses are allowed to be used any time.
*The following restrictions also apply at all times:
- Residents and business are prohibited from watering their lawns anytime between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
- When watering, a constant stream of water should not be allowed to flow into the street drainage.
- Watering during precipitation is prohibited. Rain sensors are required on newer watering systems.
I have made two calls to the office to no avail. When the employees were using a water faucet at a unit to fill the pool, it was left it non working order.The water no longer comes out the water hose. The gadget on the faucet is so tight I am unable to reconnect in order to water.
This is a small thing. Yet the trees, bushes, grass and plants are suffering from neglect.
I have in times past placed a work order and the maintenance men said they never got. It was HOA’s responsibility for the outside plumbing issues. Due to the wait we were out $150.00 for a plumber when that work order wasn’t submitted.
Your asking people to water. Please assure this is taking care if. It is important for the life forms outside in such heat to have water.
Ms. Davenport,
While you are not the homeowner of the property in question, we are aware there is a problem with that water faucet. A Work Order was made out; I saw it. However, we are in the middle of painting and repairs right now and a faucet is not the top priority.