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June 2014 Notice to Homeowners

We will be posting a 1 page Notice on each and every homeowner’s property so that we all understand the rules and to give everyone the opportunity to correct problems before things escalate.  This precedes sending out actual “Notice of Violation” letters and the possible levying of fines as allowed by our Bylaws which state:  In addition to such other rights as are specifically granted under the Declaration, the Board shall have the power to impose reasonable fines, which shall constitute a lien upon the Lot of the violator.

If you do happen get a written Notice of Violation, you can find all of the details related to it in our Bylaws, Page 8, Section 20.

Here is a link to the June 2014 Notices going out to all homeowners>  Notice Items June 2014

Someone is Damaging Our Security Lights

As you can see, this light has been purposefully damaged.  For the light to be angled like this, basketball or similar object was thrown at it to skew it in this manner.  This same light fixture has been replaced several times, paid for by your dues. It doesn’t take long for the glass globe around the bulb has been shot off and the fixture vandalized and inoperable, as it is now.

We have no idea who is doing this, but if you see anyone damaging or vandalizing any Association property, please call the office and let us know.


Bee Swarm Removed From Common Area

This weekend we had a visit from “Bee Rescue Swarm Removal”, a professional bee removal company who came out to remove a swarm from a water valve box in front of one of our townhouses.  The beekeeper removed the swarm without killing them.

If any of you have problems with bee swarms on your homes or in your walls, you can contact this company at  http://brsr.org/


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City of Grand Prairie Water Restrictions

This comes from the Grand Prairie website and remains in force until further notice.

As of June 3, 2013, the following restrictions are in effect in the city of Grand Prairie:

  • No watering on Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday.
  • Even Numbered addresses may water on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • Odd numbered addresses may water on Tuesday and Fridays.
  • Handheld and soaker hoses are allowed to be used any time.

*The following restrictions also apply at all times:

  • Residents and business are prohibited from watering their lawns anytime between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • When watering, a constant stream of water should not be allowed to flow into the street drainage.
  • Watering during precipitation is prohibited. Rain sensors are required on newer watering systems.

The Drought Contingency Plan also prohibits all non-essential uses (water use that does not directly benefit or maintain health, personal cleanliness, or firefighting purposes) including the following:

  1. Irrigation of landscape areas, including parks, athletic fields, and golf courses, except otherwise provided under this Plan;
  2. Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, airplane or other vehicle; except as otherwise provided under this plan.
  3. Use of water to wash down any sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking lots, tennis courts, or other hard-surfaced areas;
  4. Use of water to wash down buildings or structures for purposes other than immediate fire protection;
  5. Flushing gutters or permitting water to run in any gutter or street, except as part of water quality management to flush stagnant water or enhance disinfection residuals;
  6. Use of water to fill, refill, or add to any indoor or outdoor swimming pools or Jacuzzi-type pools;
  7. Use of water in a fountain or pond for aesthetic or scenic purposes except where necessary to support aquatic life;
  8. Failure to repair a leak(s) within a reasonable period after having been given notice directing the repair of such leak(s) and;
  9. Use of water from hydrants for construction purposes or any other purposes other than fire fighting.
  10. Use of water from public drinking supply for gas well operations including fracturing and drilling.

For more information, call 972-237-8377 or 972-237-8154.


Meeting Summaries

I will be posting Summaries of our Board meetings, starting with the June 5th meeting, as a secondary page of Meeting Notices.

The link to it will be at the bottom of the Meeting Notice page, or you can save this link in your browser, http://gpmcha.org/?page_id=383

Re: Dotti’s Passing

In lieu of flowers or other memorial items, I have been asked to let homeowners know that the best way to remember Dotti and her love of all animals is to make a donation to the ASPCA or local no-kill animal shelter.

More Photos of Trees, Shrubs and Flowers

We are continuing to plant around the complex; today we got the 3 Chinese Pistache trees planted, they were the largest among the recently acquired trees.  In addition, some flowers were added in front of the Office, and some shrubs on the row of townhouses just South of the Office.

We hope to have all shrubs and trees planted by the end of next week and may get more shrubs and trees as needed to fill in the empty spots and replace the dead shrubs.  The Fall planting is still on the schedule.

Flowers on North side of the Office (Periwinkle Vinca)
Flowers on South side of Office (Periwinkle Vinca)
Purple Sage bushes behind the Office
Chinese Pistache trees behind the Office

Board Meeting, June 5th

We will be having a regularly scheduled Board Meeting on June 5th at 7PM in the Office.

Meeting Agenda

  • Introduction of the Board to Homeowners.
  • Reading of the Minutes from April 3, 2014 meeting.
  • Financial report.
  • Maintenance report: Repairs, Street and sidewalk projections; Fences, Painting
  • Discuss Replacing Pool and Maintenance Fences
  • Landscaping Committee and Planting shrubs and trees
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Open the floor to homeowners for comments and concerns
  • Adjournment of meeting

Executive Session

  • Employee Benefits and Holidays
  • Temporary Employees

New Plants in the Office

Part of the Spring planting was to get something into the 2 built-in planters in the Office, instead of just old dirt.  It took a while to clean them out and re-line them with plastic sheeting; the dirt in them was apparently original (40 years ago) and was like concrete. They have since been filled with potting soil, mulch and a layer of redwood bark over the top to hold in moisture. Here are a few photos; you can see them in person at the next Board meeting on June 5th.















