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Memorial Day Schedule/Pool Update

Both the Office and Maintenance will be off on Memorial Day, May 29th.

There will be no trash pickup on Monday, May 29th; we will pick up trash on Tuesday, May 30th.


As of today at 11:30 AM, the Pool inspector has not been out, meaning we cannot open until we pass the inspection.

We are ready but must wait for the City inspector’s approval. If it does not happen today, it may be early next week.

2023 Pool Season

We are planning on opening the Pool for the Memorial Day weekend, but as of this writing, the City inspector has not yet come by to approve the opening. They tend to not make appointments and just show up.

We are ready and have been for some time. As soon as we have the approval to open, we will post the operating schedule.

New Board Members

Please join us in welcoming 2 new Board members, Mr. Henry Lopez, and Mr. Keith Brown! They both joined the Board on April 20, 2023.

Following the resignation of John Moreno on April 6th, we had his term to fill out (thru 2025) with a new member, Henry Lopez.  John has been on the Board for almost 18 years and we thank him for his service to our community.

Secondarily, we had only one person run in 2022 although there were two positions to fill. So, we have been down one member since that time.  We, therefore, appointed Keith Brown to fill out that term, also ending in 2025.

2023 Annual Meeting

Our 2023 Annual Meeting will be held at the Office on Thursday, March 30th, at 7 PM.

Election packets are sent to all homeowners and you should be getting one soon. Please send in either your Absentee ballot or Proxy as soon as possible.  If you plan on attending the Annual Meeting, you can vote there.

GP Recycling and Hazardous Waste


Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Saturday, March 4, 9-11 a.m.

City Hall East, 300 W. Main St.

Registration is required at: 972-237-8055 or online at gptx.org/WQ/HHW

No commercial waste will be accepted.

Free Electronics Recycling

Saturday, March 4, 9-11 a.m.

City Hall East, 300 W. Main St.

Registration is required at gptx.org/electronics-recycling or 972-237-8159

Accepted: computers, laptops, printers, VCRs, DVD players, TVs (no exposed parts please), cellphones

Not accepted: hazardous materials, liquids, broken monitor tubes, yard equipment, air conditioners, refrigerators

Grand Prairie residents can also bring their recyclables to the landfill any time Monday-Saturday 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Board Meeting Rescheduled

  • Open Board Meeting, February 9, 2023, at 7 PM held in the HOA Office  (The February 2nd meeting has been rescheduled due to lack of a quorum)
    • Agenda for the meeting: (Subject to change)
      • 2022 4th Quarter Financial
      • Collections/Receivables
    • Executive Session