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Pick up after your dogs

Directly behind the shop on the East side is a large common area between East MC Drive and East Townhouse Lane. In that same area is a Pet Sanitation Station with poop bags. However, residents unknown are allowing their dogs to defecate within 4-5 feet from this pet station, with bags available, and just walk away and leave it.  These are rather large dogs, too.

I have no idea why someone would think this was acceptable.  Picking up after your dogs on common property is not only responsible and reasonable, but is required by HOA rules and City Ordinances. We are fining dog owners who do not pick up after their dogs as a violation of Health and Safety, as well as getting GP Animal Services involved. These fines will escalate as long as the violation continues.

Entirely too many dog owners are fouling our common areas, and enough is enough.



Board Meeting Postponed

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting was set for June 4, 2020, but is postponed until a later date to be announced.  Due to close proximity in the Office and at the meeting table, we cannot maintain appropriate distancing at this time.

We are exploring other options, such as a virtual meeting,  so we can continue to have Board meetings and keep both our members and the Board safe and healthy in the process.

Once we decide on the media, we will notify members where they can attend the meeting. It would be much easier of we had email addresses for all members. but we do not.


2020 Pool Opening Postponed

Due to COVID-19 restrictions per the City of Grand Prairie and concern for the health and safety of our members we will not be opening the Pool for Memorial Day, 2020.

At this time, we do not have a projected opening date for the Pool. 

Dog Feces on Common Property

I was taught to have respect and consideration for other people, including picking up after my dogs.  I have noticed many people walking their dogs on common property and walking away after the dog leaves a present in the grass.

It has gotten totally out of hand and there is a LOT of dog poop on property now.  Kids are out playing and step in it, our guys are mowing and repairs and step in it and unless something happens soon to alleviate this issue, there is a possibility that the Board may limit the areas of common property where dogs are allowed.

There is a property on the West side, facing Belt Line, where you cannot step on the grass without stepping in dog poop. GP Animal Services have been notified.  As a reminder to all:

Office Hours

As of today, our Office hours will return to normal, Monday – Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM.

We still ask people to maintain their distance if they need to come into the Office.

Payments can be put into the drop box. Work orders can be emailed in to office@gpmcha.org