Category: Common Area Damage - page 2

Why Do People Do This????


Someone drove the entire length of East Mountain Creek Drive, and stopped in front of #32.


Just a reminder: The grass is not for driving on. That’s why we have streets.  There is absolutely no acceptable reason  for someone to damage Association owned property like this; none at all.

Judging by the trash in our Visitor lots and strewn about the area, no one cares what this place looks like. Trash is bad enough, but damage to our common areas is disrespectful and illegal.

Now we have to spend money to fix this as well as the other 5 or 6 places people decided to cut across the grass. If you see someone driving on the grass, get a description of the vehicle, the license plate, and please call the Office. We need to prosecute those responsible for tearing up our common areas.




New West Creek Lane Paving and People Driving On It

It seems we have some individuals who believe they can move the barricades on the newly paved sections and drive on them.  This has happened 3 or 4 times already. Anyone driving on this barricaded concrete and causing any damage to it will have a heavy price to pay. This section of roadway cost the Association over $30,000 and we have no problem charging a homeowner, tenant or visitor for damaging this or any Association property.

I would recommend that those individuals moving these barricades leave them alone and in place until Monday, the 26th, just like previous posts have indicated. To do otherwise may prove expensive.

Please Keep An Eye On Your Children

We have had several instances over the past few months of children coming home from school and repeatedly throwing their trash in our Common Areas, as they walk from the bus stops to their homes. We end up having to pick up this trash, all at homeowners expense.  Please ask your children to be more responsible and keep our subdivision looking good and not like a large trash can.

In addition to this, a group of children recently ripped off 3 or 4 limbs from a Crepe Myrtle tree in the common area near E Mountain Creek Court. We cannot have our resident’s children purposefully destroying our common areas. Below are some photos:

Tree limbs torn off, plus empty jug and other trash
Another view of the tree damage and trash