I spoke with our landscaping company, MetroScape, and was told that when they were out here yesterday and working in the flower beds, they topped off the Cannas. This is usually done after the first frost, in preparation for relocating the rhizomes (bulbs) inside during the winter, depending on the temperature zone you live within. (We are in USDA Zone 8a, where average minimum temp ranges from 10 to 15 F.)

Rhizomes (bulbs) being prepared for Winter storage
Cannas, Black
Cannas after a frost

Winter Care

  • Zone 8a is the coldest climate in which cannas are rated hardy. An unusually cold winter can therefore possibly cause some damage to the rhizomes. After the canna foliage dies back in the fall because of the first hard frost, cut it back to the ground. Then, cover the planting bed with 4 to 6 inches of mulch. If you use leaves that you raked during the fall, about 8 to 12 inches will be needed. Mulch helps protect canna rhizomes in zone 8a from any damage that may occur in a colder than normal winter.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/info_8023472_canna-plants-zone-8a.html