Category: Water Repairs - page 3

Water Leak on East Mountain Lane

We had a major water leak on East Mountain Lane yesterday; one of the 2″ supply lines cracked and the results are below. Whoever plumbed this place 45 years ago or whoever did repairs certainly got “creative”. The “camel hump” repair is done so that you can repair a section easily, but gives you 4 elbows that can crack and leak later. Most of our 2″ water line leaks are the result of elbows splitting at the seam.

This hole is about 5 feet deep and our guys worked on it from noon to 1AM to get the water back on. We are leaving the hole open for now and keeping an eye on the other copper pipe shown. We will probably change it out to PVC, buried copper tends to leak eventually.

Of course, we have been asked why we do not put notices out every time that we shut off water to do repairs. In emergency situations, like this one, we concentrate on fixing the problem.

If it is a slow leak or much smaller line leaking, we have time to notify people. This was not a small line leaking and time was better spent repairing things.

We have another leak, a small one, also on East Mountain Lane. We will be putting out noticed for this repair.

Water Line Repairs

UPDATE: As of 5PM Tuesday, our guys were still working to fix this leak. In trying to get the water back on as soon as possible, the repairs blew apart and had to be completely redone. The PVC pipe glue needs time to cure or the joints are not secure.

We will get the water back on as soon as practical. We have to let the glue properly cure.

One of the new meters seems to have caused a leak in a 2″ line. The contractor working for the city was kind enough to locate the leak and dig down to it; the leak ended up being our problem to fix.

Over the course of time, the pipes have gotten out of alignment probably due to ground shifting or roots from the tree nearby. Regardless, repairs are in process.

We will have the water back on as soon as possible. The streets effected are East Townhouse, East Mountain, and parts of East Mountain Creek Drive.

Water Leak on East Townhouse

It looks like one of the newly installed water meters has a leak at the flange. This new meter was installed on Friday and has apparently leaked since then, from what we are told. The City has been notified and they will let the contractor know.

City employees have been out to check it, but the City’s contractor must fix it. They also told me that we will not be charged for the water leaking since Friday.

Water Line Repairs – East Mountain

We had a 2″ pipe begin leaking last night, and quite a large amount of water ended up on the East side. from Mountain Lane to MC Court. The leak is under a section of the sidewalk, and as of this writing, we have repaired the split elbow. Water should be back on after lunch; we have to give the glue time to set up properly.

Kitchen Fire on West Creek Lane and City Main Water Line Repairs

There was a kitchen fire on West Creek Lane this morning with 3 or 4 fire engines responding. Latest reports indicate the kitchen and dining room were involved and some smoke entering the adjoining homes. We are told the fire resulted from heated grease on the stove.

The fire hydrant they tied into, however, now leaks and this is why the water was off this afternoon. This was probably the first time any connections were made to this hydrant in decades. The City is working on this hydrant and will return tomorrow to complete the work.

They will be shutting of one of the main lines while the effect repairs on this hydrant located between 12 and 14 West Creek. The main water line repairs will likely effect sections of West Mountain Creek Drive also.

Water Line Warranty Cards

Several residents have told us that they received a card similar to the one below, asking them to purchase some plan to maintain the water supply lines entering their property. The card does quote a GP Municipal Code, 26-71(b), which states:

Sec. 26-71. – Requirements and exceptions as to easements.

(b) Exceptions. Water lines on private property that are required to be metered or fitted with detector checks at or near the property line shall not be dedicated to the city and the property owner shall bear all maintenance responsibility on the customer side of the meter or detector check.

Were these properties stand alone homes on an individual lot, this would have some validity. However, the HOA owns and maintains the land beneath which the water lines run and the HOA repairs leaks in these areas.  The HOA responsibility goes up to and including the water cutoff valve; on the other side of the cutoff valve becomes homeowner responsibility. This is usually a 1 or 1.5 foot piece of pipe.

If you get one of these cards, you do not need to purchase this “protection”.  Here is an example of this card. We have redacted the owner’s name and address for privacy.























Major Water Leak, City Supply

We have a major water leak on West Mountain Creek Drive, in the median near number 56.  It looks like it is one of the City’s six inch lines, probably to the fire hydrant. There is a large volume of water coming out and running down the streets20161110_094146 and into the storm drains.

The water main feeds parts of West Mountain Creek Drive and West Townhouse Lane.

The City has been contacted but they did not say when someone would be here to repair it.

Since it is a large water line, the repairs will effect a large number of homes on the West side once repairs begin.  No idea how long these repairs will take.

UPDATE-  10:45AM – The city is on scene now. They think it is a pipe break. If it is, it will take some time to repair.

UPDATE: 12:30PM – The City has reduced the water pressure in the area to slow the leak until the repair crew gets here.

UPDATE- 4:00PM –  Backhoe is on site, several workers, they will likely have to dig up the street to get t this main pipe. No estimates on when the water will be back on.


Pictures of the Water Leak Area

Here are a few photos of the water leak on East Mountain Lane. It is a good example of what our maintenance guys do here and the commitment they have to do it properly.  The leak was from a 2″ line that feeds about 30 properties and the mud and mess it made is apparent in the photos. The leak was about 5 feet down and had to be dug out and dried out enough to repair the leak.

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