We have a major water leak on West Mountain Creek Drive, in the median near number 56.  It looks like it is one of the City’s six inch lines, probably to the fire hydrant. There is a large volume of water coming out and running down the streets20161110_094146 and into the storm drains.

The water main feeds parts of West Mountain Creek Drive and West Townhouse Lane.

The City has been contacted but they did not say when someone would be here to repair it.

Since it is a large water line, the repairs will effect a large number of homes on the West side once repairs begin.  No idea how long these repairs will take.

UPDATE-  10:45AM – The city is on scene now. They think it is a pipe break. If it is, it will take some time to repair.

UPDATE: 12:30PM – The City has reduced the water pressure in the area to slow the leak until the repair crew gets here.

UPDATE- 4:00PM –  Backhoe is on site, several workers, they will likely have to dig up the street to get t this main pipe. No estimates on when the water will be back on.