Keep Wipes Out of City Wastewater System

Do you use wet wipes that claim they are flushable? These wipes are actually not flushable and can cause harm to plumbing and wastewater systems because they do not disintegrate after flushing. Instead, they wrap around other flushed wipes and debris, damage pumps at the wastewater plant, and have to be removed from wastewater screens and lift stations.

Wipes also create clogs in main wastewater lines and customer lines that have to be manually removed because fats, oil and grease deposit on them.

Toilet paper disintegrates almost immediately, but the strong-fiber wipes cause havoc in city wastewater lines and at wastewater plants.

When using flushable wipes, please throw them into the trash, and do not flush them down the toilet. This keeps the wastewater lines clear and helps avoid costly clog removal at your home and the wastewater plant.

Wet Wipes