Category: Information - page 41

Continued Trash Violations

We still have several homeowners/residents who repeatedly put their trash before the scheduled pick up days of Monday and Thursday. For example, several people put out their trash on Friday for the Monday pickup. Over the next few days, stray animals and the local wildlife spread trash all over the place and create both an eye sore and sanitation/health issues.

And, it’s not like people can say they do not know when trash is picked up; we sent out 416 notices, one to each and every property within this 22 acre subdivision.  In this Notice, we told residents that repeated violations will result in fines.

Some people who received subsequent letters containing Warnings of a Violation of our Bylaws and Declaration have chosen to continue putting out the trash days before the scheduled pickups.

So, we will be sending out Certified Letters to the repeat offenders next week (after the 15 days given to cure the violations). While we had rather not resort to fining our homeowners and residents, I see no other choice.



Our New Board Secretary, Mary Hartman

At last night’s Board Meeting, the Board nominated and approved the addition of Mary Hartman to the Board, and subsequently nominated and approved her to be our Secretary.  Mary was on the Board previously, filling out the remainder of Bobby Gentry’s term. She will now be filling out the remainder of Dotti’s term, which ends in 2017.

Please join us in welcoming her to the Board !

Changes Coming in September

The installation of our new Thermal Windows in the Office will begin around the first week of September. They will be installed in stages, with the front area done first, then the rear, and then the upper windows. If something changes, we will advise.

Secondly, the landscaping company, Metroscape, will begin mowing on Mondays beginning in September and will phase out Saturdays. They may need to do some adjustments to maintain continuity,

Our Landscaping Contractor and Carports

For the past month, we have had a new landscaping contractor, Metroscape.  They have been mowing Common areas/easements and trimming the shrubs on Saturday as they are trying to rearrange their schedules with other clients to get people here during the week. For now, Saturday is the only time they can take care of the subdivision.

We have gotten a number of calls from homeowners about grass clippings ending up under their carports or front porches. Since these are private property, the landscaping crews will not enter it to remove clippings; this is to avoid a trespassing situation. We ask homeowners to please sweep out whatever clipping may end up under your carports.

I have asked the landscaping contractor to keep it to a minimum, but the leaf blowers are not very precise instruments.


The North Texas Food Bank

We had a representative from the North Texas Food Bank stop by on Monday and leave a few brochures behind; they detail what assistance is available for those having trouble putting food on the table.  These brochures are printed in both English and Spanish.

Their Call Center number is 214-269-0906 .  You can get information on how to apply for benefits, the location of local Pantries or Hot Meals and other Social Services that can benefit your family.

Their website is


Violation Warning Letters

After conferring with our attorney, Jeff Lacy, we had to rethink how to best accomplish the implementation of the recent Fines and Enforcement Policy. Once we checked into things we needed to send a Warning letter out first and then follow it with the statutory letter.

When we do send out the statutory letter by Certified Mail and First Class Mail, the recipient will have 30 days from the receipt of the letter to schedule a hearing before the Board; if no hearing is scheduled, the fines begin.

I wish there was another way to get people to follow the rules that have been around for over 40 years. Perhaps this will get their attention.

For more information on the Fines and Enforcement Policy, click here.


Tree Trimming on Warrior

We had S&P Tree Service trim and thin out the trees along Warrior, and they look so much better.  We will continue to get our trees worked on until we get them into better shape.

We would still like to get several groups of homeowners together to take advantage of the package deal we have been offered, for a days worth of tree work. There are many trees in our back yards need some work.  If any of you would be interested, please contact the Office.

Warrior Trees 1
Looking North from E. Mountain Creek Court
Warrior Trees 2
In front of the 80’s on E. Mountain Creek Court


More Tree Trimming and Removals

In recent weeks, we have opted to have several trees removed from our Pool and Common Areas. The decision to cut down and remove these large trees was not made lightly and were based upon the expertise of a certified Arborist, and in whose opinion these trees posed a liability to the Association. We must address imminent liabilities when we are informed of them. With the wind storms we have experienced in the past few years, it is not a far-fetched scenario that limbs could fall.

Last week, the large tree near the Gazebo/Pergola on the east side was removed. Many people have asked why this was done and here is our response; this tree was very overgrown and there was an exorbitant amount of weight hanging off either side and in such a way as it could not be trimmed or thinned enough to limit the possibility that it could split and fall on someone or their home.  So, we opted to have it removed.

This is also true of the tree in front of the 2 story homes on East Creek; this tree is rotten, unstable and poses a liability to the Association. It will be removed tomorrow as well as more trimming on the trees on Warrior Trail.

Our plans are to replace these two recently removed trees this fall but we will not plant them so near to homes this time.  We will locate them near the Gazebo/Pergola, in the large open area.

There will likely be additional tree trimming going on for a while; there are many trees here that need attention, especially those in homeowner’s back yards and which are the homeowner’s responsibility.


Animal Calls

We have been getting a few calls to the Office about barking animals, loose animals, etc.

For these matters, you need to call Grand Prairie Animal Services at  972-237-8575 or email them.

Animal control is the function of the City, not the HOA.