Category: Landscaping - page 3

Brazen Theft of MetroScape’s Equipment Today

Sometime between 11 AM and 12 Noon, someone cut off 2 padlocks from a compartment on one of the two MetroScape trailers and stole 3 leaf blowers and 2 string trimmers. This was done in broad daylight just to the South of the Office, under the tree near the corner of West Mountain.

This theft amounts to about $5,000 in equipment lost by our landscaping contractor. If you saw something, please call the Office

More Trees Trimmed

These are between West Townhouse and the end of West Mountain Creek Drive; they look a lot better. Plus, thinning them out lets the grass below have a chance of some sunlight, just like at the Pool.

Trees W MC Dr
End of West Mountain Creek Drive
Trees W MC Dr 2
Between West Townhouse and Mountain Creek Drive

Changes Coming in September

The installation of our new Thermal Windows in the Office will begin around the first week of September. They will be installed in stages, with the front area done first, then the rear, and then the upper windows. If something changes, we will advise.

Secondly, the landscaping company, Metroscape, will begin mowing on Mondays beginning in September and will phase out Saturdays. They may need to do some adjustments to maintain continuity,

Our Landscaping Contractor and Carports

For the past month, we have had a new landscaping contractor, Metroscape.  They have been mowing Common areas/easements and trimming the shrubs on Saturday as they are trying to rearrange their schedules with other clients to get people here during the week. For now, Saturday is the only time they can take care of the subdivision.

We have gotten a number of calls from homeowners about grass clippings ending up under their carports or front porches. Since these are private property, the landscaping crews will not enter it to remove clippings; this is to avoid a trespassing situation. We ask homeowners to please sweep out whatever clipping may end up under your carports.

I have asked the landscaping contractor to keep it to a minimum, but the leaf blowers are not very precise instruments.