We have scheduled a large item pickup for Thursday, November 20th.  We will do the usual trash pickup, followed by large items; we will not pick up any construction debris.

Anyone wanting to dispose of electrical or electronic items needs to take advantage of GP’s upcoming event:

The City of Grand Prairie Solid Waste and Recycling division is hosting a free electronics recycling event for residents and small businesses on Nov. 15, 9 a.m.-noon, at the Development Center, 206 W. Church St. Items accepted are computers, laptops, printers, VCRs, DVD players and TVs.

Items that cannot be accepted are any hazardous material, liquids, broken monitor tubes, yard equipment, air conditioners and refrigerators.

Please remember that putting out large items on regular trash days can result in fines, especially if these large items are placed in Common Areas.  This is illegal dumping on Association Property and will be treated as such.