Work Orders

Please call the Office and have a work order made out if you need something done on your property or if we need to address a problem in the common area.  Our maintenance guys are busy now doing painting, landscaping and all of the other work assigned by management. Asking them to do something directly circumvents processes that have been in place for the past 45 years.

We need Work Orders made out so that we can properly allot costs and labor for our financial reports. It also provides a paper copy for future references, and simply asking one of the guys to do something causes problems in that they get busy and forget about it, resulting in misunderstandings.

So, call the office to get a Work Order made. We will get to it as soon as we can, based on other projects in play.

Trim Colors

There seems to be some confusion on how we do the paint schedule and when we paint the trim colors.  First, we paint the base color on several rows of houses (10-20 homes).

Later, we will come back and paint the trim colors. We co not do both colors at the same time and as far as I know, we never have. There is no set time period within which we paint the trim colors, it depends on several things. However, we will be back to paint trim colors when we can.

Trash days, mowing, and other pressing matters will interrupt the painting schedules.  We did not forget about you, we just have not gotten there yet.