Despite several mentions of this issue in the past 2 or 3 Informational Notices sent out to all homeowners and addresses, we continue to get broken glass, mirrors and other sharp items put into plastic garbage bags. A few weeks ago, we found a steak knife in a plastic trash bag, only because the blade end poked all the way out of the bag. This could easily have seriously injured one of our employees.

On Monday someone put a broken mirror in a plastic bag, the larger pieces of which poked out of the bag. Had there been any information in the bag with an address on it, the culprit would have been fined.  Shortly after the broken mirror, we found another trash bag, this time with pieces of broken window glass in it. We were able to identify where this bag came from and that individual was fined.

Any broken glass must be placed into a box and the box needs to be securely closed.