The CC&R prohibits satellite dishes “unless completely contained within the dwelling on the Lot so as not to be visible from outside the dwelling”.  Although that rule was written a long time ago when dishes were about 8 feet across, it is still technically a violation of the CC&R. We have a new dish installed around every other every day on property, despite the old rule. There is also a rule that you need to get permission to add anything that was not there when you bought the home itself. Just a reminder….

If you look at the photo below, not only is this dish prominently displayed but the wire runs across the roof, down the wall and into a hole in the brick. This is but one example; there are many others around the subdivision. We also have cable TV installations where they run their cables along the fences, or across our common areas (sidewalks) creating a trip hazard. Time-Warner has been contacted but seem to care less about it as long as they get their money. They are supposed to bury these cables.

TV and Phone installs should be ran through the attics, not over the roof and along gutters or soffets. If your townhouse has one of these slipshod installs, please contact your provider and get these wires cleaned up.

Dish wires
Unprofessional installation