We had a visit in the Office from a representative of Home Save Energy,  a company that is doing insulation and weather-stripping on behalf of Oncor, the Utility Delivery company funding this program. If you qualify (income, etc.) you can have added attic insulation, weather-stripping on doors and caulking which will result in a lower electric bill. If you are interested, here is their contact information:

Home Save Energy, Genaro Clauidio, 469-298-8286

We do have a few of their flyers in the Office if you want one. There are other companies also doing this type of service. Here is some information from Oncor:


​Oncor is committed to helping Texans become more energy efficient. As part of that commitment, Oncor operates some of the leading energy efficiency programs in the state and offers a variety of incentive programs for homes, businesses, government, schools and nonprofits. You can reduce your energy usage by implementing energy efficiency tips recommended through these programs.

Visit TakeALoadOffTexas.com to learn more about our energy efficiency incentive and educational programs.

NOTE: We are not endorsing any of these companies, we are merely providing information on these services.