Category: Water Repairs - page 4

Water Repairs, East Mountain Creek Court

We will be doing a water line repair tomorrow beginning around 9AM and involving the following addresses on East Mountain Creek Court:

  • 1 through 9
  • 11 through 19 and
  • 37 through 45

The leak itself is in front of number 7, but the main cutoff for the area will shut off water to those addresses above. We will have the water back on as soon as repairs are completed.

Water Repairs Continue

Once they dug into and around the water meter, they found the leak is several feet away and last I saw, they were excavating it.  They will return today to effect repairs, so water will be off again.

Update: Repairs were completed this morning; there was a 2″ Elbow that had split, probably due to ground creeping from all the recent rains following the drought.

Water Repairs Next Week

We recently discovered a leak near 10 East Townhouse Lane adjacent to one of the water meters. The leak is at the 4 bolt pipe flange where the meter connects to the 2″ pipe. We will be putting out notices on Monday and will have the repairs done on Tuesday, November 10th, beginning mid morning.

The properties affected are:

  • 1, 3, 5 E. Mountain Lane
  • 1-19 E. Townhouse Lane
  • 2-16 E. Townhouse Lane

Photos of the Leak

Here’s what the leak looks like, under the tree.  This tree is about 35 feet tall and ended up directly over a water line.  This is the result many years later. Now you know why we require everyone to get permission before they plant things in the Common Area.

Water should be back on after noon.

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Update on Water Leak, East Townhouse Lane

The water leak on East Townhouse is also effecting the 2 stories on East Creek, as well as the single stories on the North side of East Creek Drive.  The guys started work early this morning and are still digging to find the broken pipe, but they are being hampered by the fact there is a huge Pine tree growing over the water lines.  They are having to dig and cut away tree roots to gain access to even ascertain the problem. This could take a while judging from the size of this tree.

We hope to have this fixed today but that all depends on when we can get access to the affected water pipes.  We will keep you advised.