For the past 4 or 5 years, we have been sending out Informational Notices to every townhome at least twice a year in which we remind owners and renters alike that all dogs, no matter their size,  must be on a leash when on common property, and pet owners must pick up after their pets.

Sadly, some pay no attention to these rules and leave dog feces all over the property. In some places, it is really bad and poses a health hazard to everyone. Not only is it inconsiderate, it is a violation of City ordinances and can get you fined. The HOA also has the ability to fine for Health and Safety violations, and we do exactly that.

People figured out a long time ago that feces need to be properly contained and treated as a matter of sanitation; the same is true of dog poop. The HOA has provided pet sanitation stations around the property, please use them. Pick up after your dog. Doing so is cheaper than a fine.

All dogs must be on a leash and under your control whenever they are on common property. There are no exceptions to this. Regardless of how well trained you think they are, they are still dogs and will chase things that run and/or fight other dogs.